Adapting for Success

Empowerment in the Age
of Hybrid Work

A success story featuring:


Amy Skelding

Managing Partner
FINN Partners

“The iNOMEE® Workplace Team Culture Programme has been a brilliant and empowering experience for our entire team. Jan and his team really made a difference to how we interact with each other as well as with clients, media and others in our business.

It was enlightening to go through all the stages and Jan led us through the process with some care, humanity and attention that it made all the difference.

Our team is full of some big personalities and he navigated it all so delicately and with great wit which made us even more engaged and we continue to reap the benefits as we plan our next phase of the programme with some new recruits on going through the assessment and we reflect on our progress one year on.”

In today's dynamic work environment, the team at iNOMEE® recognised the need for a comprehensive solution to foster team cohesion, improve collaboration, and enhance leadership effectiveness.

To address these challenges, iNOMEE® implemented the Workplace Team Culture Programme, enabling FINN’s senior managers and staff to succeed in their roles, drive business growth, and reduce attrition.

This success story explores how iNOMEE leveraged Everything DiSC® personality testing to create a strong, cohesive team, promote collaboration, and empower its workforce in a fully hybrid work environment.


FINN is a leading PR agency with a global presence and multiple specialist practices.

The 30+ strong UK Travel Practice works in a fast-paced, sociable, high-energy environment with multiple trips, events and activations always on the go.

During the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, these were paused whilst the team created more ‘armchair travel’ experience as globetrotting became impossible.

With the return of the travel industry came a new challenge, how to incorporate the benefits of remote working, brought on by lockdown, into a new hybrid work model? As the confidence surged in the travel industry, the team grew and senior managers were faced the challenge of managing, leading and training effectively in a distributed work environment.

Additionally, maintaining team cohesion and collaboration while ensuring employee success and business growth became paramount.


FINN partnered with iNOMEE® a renowned assessment and training company that helps individuals and teams understand their behavioural styles, communicate more effectively, and build stronger relationships. Their programme’s flexibility and applicability to a hybrid work environment made it an ideal solution for FINN’s needs.

iNOMEE® & Everything DiSC®

iNOMEE® utilises Everything DiSC® as the core psychometric testing framework for fostering a positive Workplace Team Culture. Drawing upon over 40 years of research, each Everything DiSC® personality assessment incorporates adaptive testing and advanced algorithms to provide precise insights to every participant. These insights serve as the foundation for a personalised journey filled with enlightening “A-ha!” moments that inspire behaviour change.


Senior Management Facilitation:

FINN’s senior managers participated in comprehensive Everything DiSC Workplace training sessions. They gained insights into their own behavioural styles, identified their strengths and areas for growth, and learned strategies for adapting their leadership approach to effectively manage remote and in-office teams.

Team Facilitation:

The programme was extended to the entire workforce, some work entirely remotely, others choose to come into the central office. Each team member completed an assessment to determine their behavioural style and communication preferences. Facilitated team sessions were conducted to share insights, improve understanding, and enhance collaboration within and across teams.

Results and Benefits

Cohesive Team: iNOMEE & Everything DiSC Workplace enabled FINN teams to gain a deep understanding of their colleagues' behavioural styles. By appreciating each team member's unique strengths and challenges, employees developed empathy and fostered a more cohesive work environment. The shared language and framework provided by the programme promoted mutual understanding, reducing conflicts and enhancing collaboration.

Improved Collaboration: With a better understanding of their own and others' behavioural styles, FINN employees developed effective communication strategies. They were able to adapt their communication styles to match the needs of their colleagues, resulting in clearer and more productive interactions. Collaboration improved significantly as employees focused on leveraging their strengths to complement each other's abilities.

Leadership Effectiveness: iNOMEE equipped senior managers with the tools to lead and manage in a hybrid work environment successfully. By understanding their employees' behavioural styles, preferences and tendencies managers could provide personalised support, adapt their leadership approach, and foster a sense of belonging. This led to increased employee engagement, job satisfaction, and lower attrition rates. New innovation was implemented as a result of iNOMEE including regular employee engagement surveys with accountability, revised training sessions and all hands meetings where team members’ successes were acknowledged and concerns were addressed.

Empowered Staff: The programme empowered FINN employees to take ownership of their roles, contribute their best work, and succeed in their professional endeavours. By recognising their strengths and areas for growth, employees gained confidence in their abilities, resulting in improved performance and increased job satisfaction which is continuously tracked.

inomee team of planes

Business Growth: The strengthened team dynamics, enhanced collaboration, and empowered workforce translated into tangible business outcomes for FINN – some management lines were reconsidered based on behavioural styles and others were worked on using the shared language and framework provided by the programme. The company experienced improved productivity, higher client satisfaction, and an increase in new business wins, recently securing PR Agency of the Year at the Travel Marketing Awards, the highest accolade in the sector with the iNOMEE programme identified as a key resource at the team’s disposal to improve communication, productivity and team happiness. The comprehensive approach to leadership and employee development positively impacted the company's bottom line.


Through the implementation of the iNOMEE & Everything DiSC Workplace programme, FINN successfully created a strong, cohesive team, improved collaboration, and empowered its workforce in a fully hybrid work environment. The programme enabled senior managers to lead effectively, while employees gained a deeper understanding of themselves and their colleagues, leading to improved performance, job satisfaction, and business growth.

FINN’s experience with iNOMEE & Everything DiSC Workplace demonstrates the effectiveness of investing in comprehensive training and assessment programmes to thrive in the evolving workplace landscape.

FINN team after iNOMEE learning experience

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