Everything DiSC® on Catalyst™

Everything DiSC® combines adaptive testing and sophisticated algorithms to deliver precise insights to each participant.

Only Everything DiSC® goes beyond a traditional pdf format by offering a mobile-friendly tool that helps participants use DiSC every day.

Everything DiSC® translates assessment results into a personalised, actionable narrative that makes behaviour change tangible for the participant.

Everything DiSC Workplace Map

Get to Know Everything DiSC®

 What is the Everything DiSC®?

DISC is a self-assessment tool that helps you to understand why you, and others, behave in the way that you do in the workplace. But, what is the DiSC model? The DiSC Model is a simple yet powerful model that describes four basic behavioral styles: D, i, S, and C, and serves as the foundation for each distinct Everything DiSC application.

D: Dominance
i: Influence
S: Steadiness
C: Conscientiousness

Everyone is a blend of all four DiSC styles—usually one, two, or even three styles stand out. Each person has a unique behavioral profile with different styles and priorities—no one style is better or worse than the next. We believe that these differences in style can be extremely valuable. Once you assess these differences and harness their value, better workplace communication and healthier organizations become possible.

History of the Everything DiSC®

The DiSC® Model of Behavior was first proposed in 1928 by William Moulton Marston, a physiological psychologist, in his book Emotions of Normal People. Marston made a deliberate decision to focus only on psychological phenomena that were directly observable and measurable through objective means. From his research, Marston theorized that the behavioral expression of emotions could be categorized into four primary types, stemming from the person’s perceptions of self in relationship to their environment. These four types were labeled by Marston as Dominance (D), Inducement (I), Submission (S), and Compliance (C).

Success on Demand:

Take Your Results Wherever Life Takes You!

Everything DiSC®
on Catalyst™

  • Digital Platform

  • Group Reports

  • Comparison Reports

  • Video Content

  • Podcast

The Everything DiSC® Difference

  • Who uses DiSC?

    DiSC is for every individual, team and firm who is passionate about professional development. In total, DiSC has impacted 8 million learners in over 130,000 organisations.

  • Why use Everything DiSC®?

    Transformational Learning that Works. Unlike most DISC providers, the precise results of an Everything DiSC personality assessment are represented through the DiSC® Circumplex. This map allows each learner to intuitively recognise and understand themselves and how they relate to others in the workplace.

    Instead of a data-dump, each Everything DiSC profile delivers personalised, actionable results written to the learner’s DiSC style.

  • How do I start?

    You can simply buy the assessment for yourself online.

    If you are looking to implement Everything DiSC® in your practice or team, get in touch with us.

 What Can Everything DiSC Do For You?

  • Recruitment | Employee Development and Apprasial

    Everything DiSC Workplace® is a very effective way to understand people’s workplace behaviors, their strengths and areas for development.

    It provides unbiased and non-judgmental understanding how an employee will perform in a new role or as part of management appraisal and professional development.

    Everything DiSC Workplace® suggests strategies to manage team better.

  • Leadership | Team Dynamic | Team Performance

    DiSC® is essential for understanding the style of each person in your team. Become more self-aware, recognise the strengths, limitations and motivations of both yourself and those around you.

    DiSC® will enable you to tailor your management approach to get the best out of you and your team.

    Become an engaging leader who promotes collaboration and inspire success and achievement.

  • Company Values | Corporate Culture | Collaboration & Productivity

    High-performing companies have high performing teams. Outstanding teams are often created and cultivated

    DiSC® helps to explore the traits that make independently talented people come together to form a team culture.

    Teams and organizations that embrace DiSC® can experience improved communication, stronger relationships, higher levels of productivity and creativity, reduced stress, and greater results.